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Protect your clients against property fraud on Elite


With a string of worrying property fraud cases hitting the headlines recently, many conveyancers have been asking whether there is insurance to protect homebuyers against losses arising from fraud.

Our Secure Conveyancing Insurance Policy (SCIP) provides just such cover, protecting your clients and their lenders from fraud and forgery, plus a host of other unforeseen title issues. It operates on a ‘no-fault’ basis, so regardless of the circumstances, your clients simply need to demonstrate that they’ve suffered a loss which is covered under our policy, and we’ll reimburse them without delay.

You can obtain individual quotes for SCIP online – to find our policy on Elite, simply type ‘fraud’ in the product search facility or choose ‘Title Insurance (SCIP)’ from the product list.

SCIP is also available as a block scheme for all of your transactions. To find out more, call 01603 617617 or email