Arranging cover
No matter how you choose to contact Countrywide, we guarantee that every enquiry will be dealt with quickly and efficiently.

A wealth of experience
With the largest team of underwriters in the market, offering a wealth of experience, you can be assured that however complicated your enquiry, our underwriters will have the skills to handle it.
You can be confident too, that they will not only deal with your enquiry in a professional and courteous manner, but will also strive to meet our vigorous service standards. We’re proud of our team here at Countrywide; one built around a philosophy of providing a service which is the envy of our competitors.
Give us a bell
Your call will always be answered by an underwriter and you'll be straight through to a decision maker. They will, in most cases, give you a quote immediately, followed by emailed confirmation in quite literally a matter of moments; sometimes even before you’ve put the phone down. Call us now on 01603 617617.

Go online
Our online service, Elite, makes it easy to obtain competitive quotes in the space of just a few clicks. With a choice of over 600 products, including a whole host of combined covers, and countless other features, you can even use Elite to send us enquiries for your most complex cases. A sophisticated referral system will send all the details to one of our expert underwriters, who will contact you within just 15 minutes. If you haven’t registered, click here; it will only take a moment.
Send us an email
Email us your enquiry at and one of our underwriters will get back to you within one hour.

…or post it
In addition to these methods of arranging cover, we’re also happy to receive enquiries submitted by post too – whatever suits you best. Simply write to us at:
Countrywide Legal Indemnities
3 St James Court
DX 5261 Norwich