Countrywide is committed to providing the highest standards of service, but as you’d expect for a firm handling thousands of enquiries every week, there may be the odd occasion where our service doesn’t quite hit the mark.

Contact us
When we do get things wrong, we want to hear from you, and we promise we’ll do our utmost to fix things as quickly as possible.
If you have a complaint, please contact us in one of the following ways:
If applicable, please quote the policy number or quote reference on all correspondence.
How we will respond
We will attempt to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction by close of business on the third working day following receipt. If this is not possible, we will send you a written acknowledgement and refer your complaint to the Complaints Manager at Liberty Legal Indemnities, who will aim to resolve your complaint within 14 days. If this is not possible due to the complexity of the complaint, they will provide an update at this stage, and aim to provide you with a written response no longer than 8 weeks after first receiving notification of your complaint.

If you’re still not satisfied
If you’re still not satisfied with the response provided, or you have not received a response within the 8 week period, you may be referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Further details will be provided at this stage of the complaints process.
Because Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE is registered as a Luxembourg insurance company, you are also entitled to refer the dispute to any of the following dispute resolution bodies instead of referring to the Financial Ombudsman Service: Commissariat aux Assurances (, Service National du Médiateur de la consummation ( or Médiateur en Assurances ( Again more details will be provided during the complaints process.