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Untangling a knotty issue


The warm wet summer has seen an increase in cases of Japanese knotweed, as well as a number of other invasive species, including Giant knotweed and Bohemian knotweed.

Giant knotweed is one of four types of knotweed found in the UK, which as the name suggests grows much taller than Japanese knotweed (up to 4-5m) with deeper roots, while Bohemian knotweed is a hybrid of Japanese and Giant knotweed that can spread more quickly, and is potentially more destructive than its Japanese counterpart.

Fortunately, Countrywide’s knotweed indemnity policy provides cover for both of these, as well as the more commonly known Japanese knotweed.

Our policy will protect your client if they discover knotweed after they purchase the property. We’ll cover them for the costs of treating the infestation, the costs of repairing any damage the weed might have caused, as well as legal defence expenses if the weed has spread to a neighbouring property. We will also cover any reduction in market value, resulting from a claim, when your client sells the property.

To get a quote, select the ‘Japanese knotweed’ risk type and policy.