Ask the experts
This time, our Claims team look at some of your most common questions.
Q: Why is there a condition in your policies preventing disclosure of the policy to a third party without your prior consent?
A: As a standard rule, disclosure of the policy to anyone other than a bona fide purchaser, their solicitor and lender could invalidate the cover. This is mainly because if an interested third party became aware of the existence of the insurance cover, it could well provoke a claim that wouldn't otherwise have occurred. It could also lead to inflated expectations in terms of settlement and therefore compromise the Insurer's position. There are some circumstances where it may be necessary to make a third party aware of the policy, but our permission should always be sought before doing so.
Q: How many claims do you deal with in an average month?
A: That's a slightly awkward question to answer as, at any given time, we can find ourselves dealing with any number of our ongoing claims. To give you an idea of the number of claims we deal with, at the time of writing, there are currently just over 260 claims ongoing, some of which, due to complex litigation issues and disputes, can take years to resolve.
If you have any questions that you'd like to pose to our experts, please drop us a line via