Take a tour of Elite
We’re pretty confident that you're unlikely to ever see a review of our online quotation system on TripAdvisor, but with over 400 legal indemnity products and a whole host of clever features, Elite is the perfect destination when you’re looking for a great quote.
There’s plenty to see and do when you visit the online quotation site, and we’ve picked the top attractions to help you make the most of your visit.
Recommended experiences on Elite
Lower risk discount
When there are mitigating circumstances that you feel may warrant a reduction in our quoted premium, you can let us know online and we’ll get back to you in minutes.
Enhanced referral system
Our enhanced referral system means that on the odd occasion Elite can’t give you an instant quote, the quote details are sent directly to our underwriters, who will call you back within 15 minutes.
And it tells you exactly who is handling your enquiry and what time they will contact you.
Alternative limit
Need an alternative limit of indemnity on the same case? No problem.
Hit the alternative limit button, enter the new limit, and you’ll get another quote instantly, without having to answer all the questions again.
Product search
Our product search facility helps you easily locate the cover you need.
With over 400 legal indemnity products to choose from, it’s certainly a useful feature.
There’s plenty more to discover, so why not give it a try today at If you or your firm would like an in-depth demonstration of Elite, please get in touch with our Business Development team on 01603 617617 or email